Localisation: région Bourgogne Franche Comté

Google Maps

Google Maps


[list style= »list1″]

  • width
  • height
  • address: Address on which the viewport will be centered.
  • latitude: Point on which the viewport will be centered. If not given and no markers are defined the viewport defaults to world view.
  • longitude: Same as above but for longitude…
  • zoom: Zoom value from 1 to 19 where 19 is the greatest and 1 the smallest.
  • html: Content that will be shown within the info window for this marker.
  • popup: If true the info window for this marker will be shown when the map finished loading. If « html » is empty this option will be ignored.
  • controls: A simple array of string values representing the function names (without « () ») to add controls. Please refer to the Google Maps API for possible values. If empty the default map controls will be applied.
  • scrollwheel: Set to false to disable zooming with your mouses scrollwheel. If « controls » is not set this option will be ignored (because default map controls are applied).
  • maptype: Predefined variable for setting the map type. Please refer to the
    Google Maps API for possible values.
  • marker: Set to false to disable display a marker in the viewport.



Simple map with marker

Displays a simple map with controls and adds one marker. The viewport gets centered automatically.

[gmap latitude= »47.660937″ longitude= »9.569803″]

[gmap latitude= »47.660937″ longitude= »9.569803″]


Different map type

Changes the map type to physical view.

[gmap maptype= »G_PHYSICAL_MAP » marker= »false »]

[gmap maptype= »G_PHYSICAL_MAP » marker= »false »]


Map without controls

[gmap controls= »false » scrollwheel= »false » marker= »false »]

[gmap controls= »false » scrollwheel= »false » marker= »false »]


Map with marker and info window

[gmap latitude= »47.660937″ longitude= »9.569803″
html= »Tettnang, Germany » popup= »true » zoom= »10″]

[gmap latitude= »47.660937″ longitude= »9.569803″ html= »Tettnang, Germany » popup= »true » zoom= »10″]


Map with address

you can use address instead of latitude/longitude.
gMap automatically geocodes the given string and places a marker and center the viewport.
[gmap address= »Tettnang, Germany » html= »Tettnang, Germany » zoom= »10″]
[gmap address= »Tettnang, Germany » html= »Tettnang, Germany » zoom= »10″]


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